A little bit about me

My name is Susana and I am Portuguese but I have been living in Madrid for eleven years now.
My professional background is very diverse. I studied tourism, worked in the televison industry and as of late as a General Manager aka Mum.
The common denominator in both my work and family life has always been Organisation.
Ever since high school I have always been the organiser in my family. The one who keeps the document filling, does the planning, risk manager and the problem solver. In Uni I was the one volunterring as a class delegate and help organise week long field trips. At work I was the one in charge of the filing, props organisation and inventory... Whatever I do I always find myself sorting and tidying. My husband says I have a gift, I would not go that far but I do love organising.
Another common denominator throughout my life has been my passion for helping others. I have always helped family and friends and work activily as a volunteer in several capacities.
Simplify is the result of the fusion of these two common denominators. My ikigai.
If you want to bring order into your life but struggle to do so I can help you find the way.